5 Simple YouTube SEO Strategies to Get your videos higher in the search results

It is a fact that most people prefer watching a video instead of reading a lengthy blog article (I realize that I could have made this an audio video, but maybe one day). In actual fact, 59% of executives think they'd rather go to a movie rather than reading text. This is a large number of people. That implies that video SEO has many benefits, including increased time to watch and brand recognition as well as more leads and sales.

Search engines such as YouTube and Google employ the same principles in their algorithms to determine website and video rankings.YouTube video results are now merged with Google results for search to make it simpler how users use search engines.

On this post, I'll show you exactly how you can bring visitors to your YouTube channels by using a few SEO-friendly tips.

5 easy YouTube SEO tricks to rank higher in search

It is possible to combine your video strategy and SEO to enhance you marketing efforts in a easy and straightforward manner. It will not only increase the time you watch your videos and increase your viewers' attention and aid you in later on with other things such as YouTube Remarketing. There are 8 steps you can take to enhance your YouTube SEO in order to increase traffic and views of your video.

1. Choose your keywords carefully

SERPs are becoming more competitive each month. New competition, new products, and new services--everyone is competing to be the first. Conduct your research on keywords If you don't think you're able to compete against specific terms, select terms that will bring the most traffic however are not as in the market.

You can also use the same tools for keyword research that you would use for PPC or SEO, for instance.

  • WordStream's Keyword Tool for free
  • Google Keyword Planner.
  • Moz or Semrush.
  • Google search -- suggest people ask questions about other related search terms, so on!

2. Use keywords in your video's title

Understanding the intent of your searchers is your target audience is the initial step. We are aware that the most prevalent kinds of intent for a search are commercial, informational and transactional. Thus, aligning the content of your video with the intention of your client is crucial to make your content to appear within search result pages.

Also, ensure that you know the reason you wish to make a YouTube-based video and also who your primary target audience is. For example, if you're looking to present the results of a reviews of a product make sure you include the name of the product in your description and title of the video. It's really easy however there are numerous YouTube channels that don't take this step and consequently, their videos are not ranked well on Google as well as YouTube searches.

3. Include the wording in the video file

It's very simple, but YouTube could make this one of their rankings factors in showing your video on results of searches. If the name of the file you upload contains the keyword you want to target in the name, your video is likely to have a higher chance of being ranked and more likelihood of getting more traffic from search engines.

If you upload a brand new video, you will find the filename. YouTube makes use of this feature to make sure that the video is up-to-date to the user, so make sure that your file's name is up-to-date prior to uploading it!

4. Optimize your YouTube video description

One of the primary ranking factors in YouTube SEO is ensuring that you have a well-written optimized description of your video. If you alter or update any YouTube video component--which includes subtitles, video descriptions or closed captions as also thumbnails for videos--YouTube is going to reevaluate your video. This could be beneficial or not... therefore it's crucial to get correct the first time!

YouTube suggests you use the most important keywords within the beginning of your description. They also suggest the description should not be more that 200 characters.

As you can see, that the word I entered into Google is boldly displayed in the description for the video that has come up.

Youtube has a number of great resources for you to use. Youtube Creator Studio it is continuously updated with up-to-date information. It includes a helpful checklist that guides users through the steps of creating an effective video description:

  • Include an overview of your video in natural language, not just the keywords.
  • Include those keywords that are most crucial at start of the description.
  • Choose two main words to describe your video and use them in the description and the title.
  • Incorporating these terms will allow you get the most the traffic generated by searches.
  • Don't include any unnecessary words from your description as it can create an unpleasant experience for viewers and may be in violation of Google's policy.

5. Make use of hashtags for videos to increase YouTube results

In platforms like social media hashtags (on social media, hashtags (#) are employed to help users locate information that can answer their questions across multiple platforms. Use similar hashtags (#) in the description of your video to aid viewers in finding your video when searching for a particular hashtag.

Tags can be particularly helpful in driving the search engine because they make key trends more obvious. When you add hashtags to the description of your video the hashtag will be displayed above the title of your video, and it will then be hyperlinked.

If you include hashtags in the video's title, hashtags from descriptions won't be displayed in relation to the title of the video.

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